Photography by Bruce Wrenn


We all are living in troubled times. But some of us are also living with personal adversity that results in a daily challenge to be at peace. As Christians we believe that our home is heaven where we will dwell at peace for eternity. However, we know that God wants us to be at peace while on this earth, even as we face severe trials. 

I created this website at the urging of several good friends. They saw in my journaling essays, written during my health journey with an incurable cancer, a message that could be of help to those who needed to find peace in the midst of their troubles. As you will see, God provides in His Word bountiful assurance that He will provide a way to give a peace that “surpasses understanding.” He did that for me and He will do that for you too.

The website title was chosen to describe what many Christians experience when stricken with a serious, sometimes incurable, disease such as cancer or other life-changing illness. In my case I was told I had a rare, incurable, and deadly sarcoma (Leiomyosarcoma) one month after my 60th birthday. Being a college teacher, I immediately started to research my disease and discovered that the average time from diagnosis to death was about 19 months. My first meeting with my oncologist, who specialized in sarcomas, enthusiastically said “I think I can get you four years!” As a Christian, you realize however long you will be fighting the cancer you will not be doing this alone—God promises to be with you for the duration. But you might also realize that your faith will need to be strengthened and matured to get you through the fiery trial ahead.


I initially sent my compositions to a small group of friends, who passed them along to others, and eventually, and inevitably, I was being urged to create a website that would greatly broaden the audience for these theses. The fact that I am alive going into year 14 of what was a predicted lifespan of 19 months tells me God always had this ministry in mind as a purpose for my life. And who am I to question God’s motives or plans?

I suggest that you begin by reading An Eyewitness to God’s Goodness which chronicles my Faith and Health Journey. If you are in a similar battle, many of my experiences will seem familiar, and hopefully the Bible verses that fortified me will do that for you as well. You can read the excerpts of the other essays, 24 in total, to choose other essays of interest. Weekly Devotionals are provided that describe the spiritual insights gained on the faith and health journey. The photos on the website were chosen from my photo library to display God’s awesome creative handiwork in speaking this beautiful world into existence.

May God richly bless you as you walk your own faith and health journey.

Bruce Wrenn

So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10



Week 40 - Being vs Winning

September 30, 2024

Christ in Matthew 25 provides a description of the ultimate judgement that comes to those who are focused on “being” versus those who are focused on...