Excerpts from Essays

An Eyewitness to God’s Goodness

It suddenly hit me, that God was not just alerting me that I was entering what would be a long “walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” He was telling me that I would be taking that journey with Him by my side the whole way...

Being vs Winning

Contrast the difference between “winning” and “being”. “Winning” in worldly matters usually means acquiring titles, wealth, power, material goods, recognition, etc...

Can God be Trusted?

Our lives bear witness that God can be trusted to keep His promises. But what about when “you do not have any proof or evidence to show that it is true”?...


Paul, in the 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 passage above uses language to contrast two truths about our physical and spiritual existence — “outwardly...inwardly,” “seen...unseen,” — but the message is clear:...

Commentary on Psalm 139

his is the intimacy that God wants to have with us. He formed us in the womb. He knows our frame. He sees our embryo. He fashions our days. He knows our thoughts...

Commentary on The Fifth Commandment

When the fifth commandment was first given, God was telling them that for them to be able to live in peace for generations in the Promised Land, the Israelites would need to respect authority and build strong families...

Confessions of a Slow Learner

Thanks be to God for His patience in teaching me patience, for I really needed to apply it many times since I learned that lesson to save myself from a lot of stress and grief from my own hand...

Creating Your Own Who Where How Notebook

Perhaps you have already given thought to the need to leave your loved ones with a resource that can help them cope with coping with life after you are gone, although that might be years, or even decades, in the future...

Did We Labor in Vain?

So it is God who “establishes the work of our hands” so that our labor bears fruit. We need not worry whether our work made a difference—He will make sure that it does, no matter its length on this earth...

Does God Always Answer Our Prayers?

These people show an unshakable, confident belief that God hears their prayers and is answering those prayers by guiding us on the best path, no matter what the visible evidence suggests...

Does God Care?

A close friend of mine was grief-stricken when her 42 year old son died from cancer and sought counsel from me, knowing about my writings on my own health and faith journey...

God’s Purpose for Our Life

The Bible contains many stories of heroes of the faith, immortalized in the Word for their faithful deeds and for living their life in a way that...


God not only gives us the gift of faith and repentance, He also gives us the gift of having a grateful heart...

Right Hand/Left Hand Thinking

I’d like to share with you a Bible passage that has been a tremendous help in reorienting my thinking about how to live fearlessly each day...