Week 37 - God's Purpose for Our Life Part 1

The Bible tells us that there is what we could call God’s “grand purpose” for his people, and what we could call God’s “specific purpose” for each of us. Here is a Bible verse that speaks to the grand purpose:

...the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.” Isaiah 43:21.

This purpose, to live our lives in a way that glorifies and praises His name, to make Him known to all, is emblematic of our identity as His faithful people. This purpose we share and is evidenced by the way we live each day of our lives. But other verses suggest that God has a plan and purpose for us as individuals:

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3 NIV

Thus, God’s plan for our life would appear to include a “grand purpose” and a “specific purpose.” We all share the grand purpose, but the specific purpose, like the plan for our life, is determined for everyone.

Evidence in support of an individualized purpose for the faithful is suggested in the stories of Biblical characters committed to living according to God’s plan for them. Joseph was a notable example of God’s plan for someone to achieve the good He purposed him to do which became obvious only after many years of faithful service. Joseph was faithful in achieving God’s grand purpose for His life by making choices that honored God in good times and bad, and achieving the specific purpose for His life that came clear to Him only by looking back on all he had been through:

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20

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