Finding Peace in Perilous Times

Peace, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary is: Freedom from anxiety, disturbance, or inner conflict; calm, tranquility. God’s peace goes far beyond this. God’s peace is the kind of peace you have when others cannot understand how anyone could be at peace under the circumstances you face. We are all familiar with Philippians 4:6-8 where Paul describes a peace that “transcends all understanding.” Most Bible scholars believe Paul wrote this when he was in prison and was writing to the Philippians who were themselves under severe persecution. So, both the author and recipients of the letter were being severely challenged to find peace in the circumstances they faced. Yet Paul could promise them that God can and will provide that which is impossible for non-Christians to believe could be provided. Elsewhere in scripture this kind of peace is called “perfect:” “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Isaiah 26:3 (NLT). This peace is not just unusual, it is incomprehensible to the secular mind. It stands as a garrison over the hearts and minds of those believers who prayed for it. With God as its source, it is perfect in its purpose and effect.