Does God Care?

A close friend of mine was grief-stricken when her 42 year old son died from cancer and sought counsel from me, knowing about my writings on my own health and faith journey with cancer. She had been fervently praying for healing for her son, but swayed between elation when the tests were encouraging and despair when they held bad news. After his death her faith was shaken to its core and she asked me if I believed God really cared about us as we went through such horrific trials. I responded to her entreaty by composing this essay which focused on three major questions about our relationship with God: Does God Always Answer our Prayers?; Can God be Trusted?; and How Can we be at Peace in the Middle of Adversity? I had sought answers to these questions separately as I went through the throes of my own faith and health journey. Each of these questions is addressed individually leading to an overall conclusion to the question Does God Care?